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The S4A project is divided into seven workpackages of which WP2, WP3 and WP4 are the core activities reflecting the three technical-scientific frames: SPACE, AERO and IN SITU.

WP0 management and quality control

Task 0.1 Project phases management
Task 0.2 Meeting planning and organizing
Task 0.3 Reporting

WP1 analysis of the state of the art, users needs and requirements definition

Task 1.1 WP coordination, identification of the target users in the three setors and defintion of the involvement method.
Task 1.2 SPACE sector: state of the art, users needs and requirements over regione Lombardia who are involved in the agrisector to guide the analysis of the methods for remote sensing data processing and to define the most suited tools to be developed.
Task 1.3 AERO sector: state of the art, users needs and requirements over regione Lombardia to define the best procedures for the operational use of UAV for the agro-buisiness sector.
Task 1.4 IN SITU sector: state of the art in the specific sector, analysis of the state of the art of the regional agro-meteo network for field measurements, analysis of the needs and requirements of the users involved (farmers, associations, regional operators) to define and design the data infrastructure for field observations and measurements and for information exchange with the final users.

WP2 SPACE: retrival of information on crop conditions from satellite data

Task 2.1 Acquisition of High Resolution (HR) optical (i.e. DMC, Sentinel 2) and radar (i.e. Cosmo-Skymed, Sentinel 1), image processing and supervised classification based on filed data acquired with smart technologies (WP4) and derived from existing agronomic databases (SIARL) for the identification of crop types at the beginning of the season (early mapping).
Task 2.2 Acquisition of Medium resolution (MR) satellite data (MODIS, PROBA-V) with daily revisiting time and analysis of the time series to estimate crop status indicators and crop phenology stage at regional scale based also on filed data (W4).
Task 2.3 Acquisition of Medium resolution (MR) satellite data with thermal infrared bands and definition of water stres indicators; estimation of crop evapotraspiration based on the energy balance. Calibration and validationof of the estimated parameters with existing field measurements (WP4).

WP3 AERO: designing and development of environments for supporting UAV acquisitions

Task 3.1 Development of advanced user interfaces based on virtual reality environments or increased reality to support control of UAV missions.
Task 3.2 Integration of information acquired by various systems, including sensors, and their representation in a virtual environment to optimize data acquisition and improve compression where possible.
Task 3.3 Development of applications to support AUV missions re-planning if required.

WP4 IN SITU: development systems based on 2.0 technology for data acquisition and information exchange

Task 4.1 Design and demonstration of a data infrastructure for management and sharing measurements acquired by field sensors (Sensor Enablement), field observations and agronomic existing databases (i.e. SIARL);
Task 4.2 Development of smart technologies for the acquisition of information from in situ observations (i.e. crop type and phenology) by the actors of the agricultural world (i.e. farmers, skilled operators) to support the interpretation of data acquired by satellites;
Task 4.3 Development of smart technologies for the return of specilized/focused information to the end user on i) regional crop water stress and ii) crop water requirements.

WP5 Testing methodologies developed for agricultural monitoring in Lombardy

Task 5.1 Definition of the test areas;
Task 5.2 Harmonized acquisition through smart technology of field measurements and observations for a test area;
Task 5.3 Acquisizione di immagini da UAV sull’area test per dimostrazione della funzionalità e capacità nel monitoraggio agricolo a scala locale e dimostrazione per applicazioni di precision farming;
Task 5.4 Produzione di mappe delle colture e del loro stato da analisi di osservazioni satellitari con integrazione di dati in situ;
Task 5.5 Restituzione delle informazione all’utente finale valutando il contributo dei dati in situ e satellitari nel monitoraggio dei sistemi produttivi (scala regionale e locale)

WP6 Valutazione dell'impatto delle tecnologie sviluppate sul territorio lombardo

Task 6.1 Mappatura dei portatori di interesse regionale coinvolti (rielaborazione dei risultati del WP1, in funzione della valutazione di impatto economica e tecnologica) e definizione della metodologia per l’analisi economica
Task 6.2 Valutazione delle ricadute economiche e tecnologiche sulla realtà territoriale regionale (ambiente, impresa e società)

WP7 Diffusione dei risultati e azioni di capacity building

Task 7.1 Ideazione e realizzazione di una piattaforma multimediale per la condivisione dello stato del progetto (obiettivi, attività, risultati) tra i partner di progetto.
Task 7.2 Ideazione e realizzazione di materiale informativo indirizzato al pubblico (brochure, sito web, materiale audiovisivo).
Task 7.3 Ideazione di un sistema d’interazione reciproca fra comunità scientifica, decisori politici, organizzazioni di categoria che coinvolga tutte le parti sulla base dei risultati delle attività del WP1
Task 7.4 Organizzazione di eventi rivolti ai soggetti di cui al task 7.3; al mondo dell’educazione e alle regioni estere europee che hanno dichiarato interesse a seguire gli sviluppi del progetto

Summary of the workpackages of the project with the coordinator for each WP and the Institutes involved.

S4a WP table.jpg